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25 July 2023

Could his deal be the one to make her stay?

Dakota Manning is on the run after years of abuse at the hands of her boyfriend, Bobby. Her desperate flight comes to an abrupt end outside the small town of Snowy Springs. With her car broken and Dakota in Snowy Springs Hospital, she suddenly finds herself in need of employment and a place to stay.

Aaron Bakker, the town's hardware store owner and mechanic assistant, offers her a deal—a place to stay and a way to pay for the repairs in exchange for helping him out at his store.

The Deal with Dakota is a story of hope, reconciliation, and renewal. It is a reminder that even the biggest mistakes can be forgiven and that a new life can be made from the ashes.

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19 April 2023

Can one decision change your life?

For Amy Carter, life is rarely fair. Her friends are leaving school one by one, her parents are on the precipice of divorce, and she is failing more classes than she'd like. But the worst is yet to come. Amy has a secret. A darkness in her mind that haunts her night hours and is kept at bay only by partying, hooking up, and lying through her teeth. When the challenges she faces gradually cave in on one another, Amy becomes overwhelmed and takes the only way out she can see. Her life at the edge of a shard of glass.

Brad Thorn is messed up.

One step away from jail and carrying the weight of his father's expectations, he hides his regrets at the bottom of the bottle.

You Found Me is an honest look at the struggles teens face, the choices they regret and the healing that can only be found in the arms of a loving Savior.

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Writing on Beach

Virginia Woolf

“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”

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